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U'r Diary

Dear diary...

You may often record all events in the life every day. If you record in the books?
How if you start now to as digital records that can not be read by all people. want it?

I will provide a software that you can use it for the purpose.

Certainly not free and takes low resources, because the only portable. Can you bring in the flashdisk and taken it.

please download and record

YM Chat with Multi ID

If you ever faced user chat or people who can join in one of chat room of yahoo messenger with 2 or 3 or more ID, and in fact, they also can type with all of those ID or username, you had been seeing the person who use Multi ID.
Multi ID is a kind of activity that use 2 or more ID in Yahoo Messenger or others messenger service at once.
That Means Multi ID or Multiple ID will makes the user can join yahoo messenger with multiple ID that they had.
Of course, they can join chat room of yahoo messenger with all of their ID that been log in.
They can join in one chat room with 3 ID, 4 ID or even more. It’s unlimited!
For the ability of joining yahoo messenger with 2 or more ID like that, sometimes Multi ID can be called as Polygamy ID or Polygamy User.

Why Should use Multi ID?

Polygamy ID aims for having fun or even for protection of boot attack.
If you are in chat room using Multi ID you can make the chat room more “party” then before, especially when you talk with two or more ID in there.
The chat room will not silent like a grave yard and you can make others chat user see that the room have a lot of joy, even actually, that all the conversations was taken and created by yourself.
For security reason, I will discuss it later in my others article.

How to Create Polygamy ID?

As long as We understood and knew, there are two ways to make or create multiple ID: manually and use application Multi ID software patch.
Create Multiple User manually, you may need to make a little change on the register Editor windows under yahoo messenger register folder, but if you use a software, all you have to do just run the software instantly.
With Multi ID software, you only take a second to patch the Yahoo Messenger.

Use Yahoo Messenger Multiple ID Software

If you do not want to take all the steps that We give you above, just download Multi ID patch.
There are many software or program that been created to aim Multiple or Polygamy ID.
Below you can download it and use it. It’s freeware software:->


Trainer 4 NFSMW

On my previous article have given CheatBook for you what do want easier solve your game level.
At this time I want to give one Trainer.
Maybe you have known even ended play its game.
But some else haven't known or not have.
A few days ago there is friend which ask for it on me.
This trainer just for Need For Speed Most Wanted.

Who to use?

Before you begin to open NFSMW game, you shall carry on this trainer before.
Then on menu "TRAINER 7 +" you can choose Activate Trainer.
While play your game press F1 and F5.
You will be not to jail and your NOS will never be gone.
You can also become milioner by adds "Increase Cash" on Profile Manager.


and as usual, this also free
As more as you its can own try.
enjoy time..


Safe 4 YM Chater

Official Yahoo Messenger is weak to prevent bots or spammer.
To avoid bots you can use Anti Boots software to help you increase the security of your yahoo messenger.
The booter or lamer usually targeted your id when you are login to the chat room of yahoo messenger.
PM Bomb is the most annoying bots sent by a booter or lamer.
In this article I want to share sample of anti boot software that will protect you from booter or lamer.
I not guarantee, you will undisconnected but, I guarantee when you use this anti Boot software you will not see a kind of PM or another boot like, Invite bots, Game bots, etc..

Anti boot software work to paralyze or shut down your Private Message and other activities such add buddies, webcam, and voice talk.
This makes your user name protected from booter who want you disconnect via PM b0mb and other.
You can activate or deactivate anti boot as anytime you want.
When you seem or feel you got in danger, you can activate this anti boot software and you become free of bots.
Anti boot software in this article is affiliated to the yahoo messenger.
Its mean that this anti boot software is design for official yahoo messenger chat client.
You cannot use this anti boot software to other chat client except official yahoo messenger.
I suggest you to used this anti boot software only when you are got in danger, especially when you go to the dangerous chat room or when you face or met you enemy in chat room:->


Read Please (penting) !!!

Tadi saat di kampus, Dosen ku memberikan slide tentang permasalahan sosial yang saat ini begitu memprihatinkan.
Untuk semua pengunjung blog ini, aku mohon untuk download dan membaca isi slide ini.
Setelah itu tolong disebarkan.
Kita bisa berbuat banyak untuk dunia. Tapi harus kita mulai dari sekarang, sebelum TERLAMBAT!!!

jangan lupa DOWNLOAD, BACA dan SEBARKAN..
Previously while at campus, my lecturer give a slide about problem social current one so concern.
For all visitor this blog, I hope to download and read this slide content, after that plese scatter.
We can have done a lot of for the world. But has we beginning of now, before not too late!!!

don't forget To DOWNLOAD, READ and SCATTER..

Make ID so Easy

You may knew that I have shared Yahoo ID Creator or Account Maker in my old articles posting in this Free Yahoo Tools Blog.
For some reason, such as new yahoo messenger update, new captcha and others, that software that I been given to you, not working properly or got hang.
Here, in this newest articles discussing Yahoo ID Maker, I will give you at least 4 Yahoo Account Creator.
Note: For the next future, I will update this posting when I found new ID Creator, so you can download a new yahoo tools from this post relating to ID or Account of yahoo.

Account Maker

This Account Maker software has a secret word or security code or image code that you have to type and enter it before your ID will made.
Account Maker only has a single ID creator, so when you try to make a lot of ID you have to make it one by one, before finally your IDs will created:->


1st time (spesial 4 gamer)

cheat bookPreviously I sorry to all my reader because devolve my address blog from "jiela" becomes ""
For you what do be still want to download this cheat game, still I provide here and link to download it I even fix.
Content from this cheat game fledged enough even for new games.

I have once asked by friend "what is that cheat?"
For one haven't known, cheat is trik who is utilized to get special conduct while we play game.
For example while our play Medal Of Honor Allied Assault can utilize cheat "wuss" to get all weapon and "fulhealth" to recover health.
In essence that wants to more know downloads cheatbook even this and vesture at kesayangan's game you.
Of Course its free to use!!!
Thanks for my friend "I" already give me info about this and thaks also for my friend "H" that already downloads from last link.

If there is question or comment, just write and send to me. I will respont that..
