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Make ID so Easy

You may knew that I have shared Yahoo ID Creator or Account Maker in my old articles posting in this Free Yahoo Tools Blog.
For some reason, such as new yahoo messenger update, new captcha and others, that software that I been given to you, not working properly or got hang.
Here, in this newest articles discussing Yahoo ID Maker, I will give you at least 4 Yahoo Account Creator.
Note: For the next future, I will update this posting when I found new ID Creator, so you can download a new yahoo tools from this post relating to ID or Account of yahoo.

Account Maker

This Account Maker software has a secret word or security code or image code that you have to type and enter it before your ID will made.
Account Maker only has a single ID creator, so when you try to make a lot of ID you have to make it one by one, before finally your IDs will created:->
